Wisdom for Warehousing Transcript
jquusat nt tailtki eesd aanbdo us ot ,r yt ionug' voeu tg toht otsoe bprri on dg ut chtoss, et hsamt taal lk oe sr duepr sa tl oo gt eotfhfel or osrosmpeapc el a. c e . P i c k i n g s m a l l (T0h0e:1w8a:1re5h):ouse didn't die, the storage area shrank, but then we added this area that has a lcoetn ot ef rp. eAonpdl et hi ne ni ti nc at lhl ee d' 9o0rsdaenr da s2s0e0m0bs l, ywaengdo wt thhai st iwd ae sa ac awl l ea dr elhe oa nu .s Oe kbaeyc,atmh aet 'al l dgies tt rmi beuot ino na sc oa na psbt aorxvien i af yhouur rgye, tl et oa no . lTe ahne .r eWai rt he ao nl oe t col ifegnot ,otdo i gdeeta st hien pl eoai nn t, bauc rt oysosu, Icfai nn abl ley t ho aodl et aonm. Yaokue uT ph earne 'asc rboanl aynmc e, l ut hdai ct ryoouus l ryeeanl laymnoereedd awt iat hn ya lswuapypsl ya ncdh anienv. eArn. y w a y , t h e w h o l e i d e a w a s a l l ianmv oe nu tnotr tyh ai st wb aed s. hSoouml de hi anvvee.nSt oo r wy ei s' l l ggoeot di,n taon dt h saot ma el i titnl ev elna tt oe rr .y Bius t bsaodm. eT ho ef rteh'es s ea irdi eg ahst hq ua va el i tbyr, owueg gh ot tl et hs si s i indveeanct ao lrl ye di nStiox St hi gemsau. pApnl yd ct hhaati 'ns. aAnnodt htehre sno IaTp bwoexnIt ctaon tgheet ionnt .e r n e t . A n d
Six sigma is not for everybody or every situation.
(S0ix0:S1ig9m:1a6)w: ill not land you on the moon. You need 50 sigma in terms of accuracy. Six Sigma mS i ga my ba e, wt ohoa tmi su tchhe t roi gehx tp leecvt eflr oo fma cac luortaoc fy wt haarte wh oeussheooupl de reaxt pi oenc st ?. SToh Ie agl owoady st htianl gk tahbaot u' st croi gmhet oa nu dt oyfoi ut , iwt ai sr ephuot uasleo ta ot fOqnuea lSi it gy mp ar e, sws hu ar et do ni d t ht heewcaursetho omuesre . eIxf pyeorui emn caen?u Of anc et uSr ieg amt aS. i xO kS ai gym, iaf you manufacture at Six Sigma and you warehouse at Six Sigma and your carriers are One
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