Wisdom for Warehousing Transcript


(N0o0w:2,5th:5is8)w: ill be maybe the most depressing part of the course, so just hang with me here imn ajnu as gt ea ws eacr.eThhoiussiess ,t raynidn gi t tgoope as ilni kt ea tphiicst. uFri er sot fotfhael l e, inf vyior oun' rme eanwt at hr eaht owues ewmo rakn ai ng etrr,yyi no ug ’ rt oe pt hr eo bwa abyl y? aS smk ae ldl etro l oh ta ns idzlee, ms mo rael l et rr aonrsdaecrt si o, nt rsyti hn ag nt oy ogue te vt hear t ui snevde nt ot ohr ya nddol ew. nW. Lh eyains jtuhsatt- ibny- tt ihmr oeu, gTho yt hoet awparroe dh uo cutsi eo ni n s tyesrtme ms , o wf phiaetceevse, rb uyto ui t jwu satn gt oteos ct ah lrl o iut g. hT hi ne ssma ma l lee rv oi nl uc rme em egno tess. Nh ooww ,bei ag ciht iosf. tShootsheei nmcor er emterna tnss ca ac ltlieodn sa ny oour ddeor, ht haes ma foi xr ee dwaomr ko ub nu tr do ef nwyoor uk ' wr ei tphuittt innog mo na ttthe er warehouse. We call that work content.

The Plight of the Warehouse Manager

Under the influence of e- commerce , supply chain collabora�on , globaliza�on , quick response, and just -in- �me , warehouses today are being asked to (1) execute more , smallertransac�ons , (2) handle and store more items (3) provide more product and service customiza�on , (4) offer more value -added services , (5) process more returns, (6) serve more channels, (7) process a greater variety of order types, (8) receive and ship more interna�onal orders, and (9) provide higher levels of safety and security for people and property. At the same�me warehouses today have (1) less �me to process an order, (2) less margin for error, (3) less young, skilled ,English speaking personnel, (4) under- developed systems capability,and (5) re�cence to automate despite all the publicity surrounding warehouse automa�on . I call this rock and a hard place scenario the plight of the warehouse manager . Never has the warehouse been asked to do so much andat the same�me been so strapped for resources at the same�me .


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