Wisdom for Warehousing Transcript
(N0o0w:3, 7to:2d5o): that, we're going to start with logistics as a whole. After we finish this, for the mo uorsct l pi eanrtts, wg eet' ri ne gt rooi un bg l et oi sb tehbeuy rmi eidg hi nt shiadveet shooms ee froeuarl l wy ga ol l os ,dbiudte aosn ei nos ifdteh et hwo saey sf oIu' vrewsaelel sn, bmuatn tahgeeyr s mwahyo bgee t tpo r ot hmeo theadr ma l oonfg stohme el i noet haer er ua sr euaa l liyn t thheeo snueps pwl yh oc,hyaei na h. , Tt hh ee yw' r ea rdeohionugs ae gwoi ot hd cjuo sbt oi nms ei dr es et hr vei cf eo ,uwr iwt ha li lnsv, ebnutto trhy e, yw' ri teh hperlopci nu gr eimn et nh te, wo tiht he rt raarnesaps oor ft atthi oe ns, uapnpdl yt hcehya' ri ne sensitive to what's going on in those areas.
The Role of Warehousing in Supply Chain Logis�cs
When the total cost of raw materials and key components is a major por�on of the total supply chaincost, when the unit costs of those materials are low, when overall demand is high, when significant discounts are offered for large procurement lots, when there is low likelihood of obsolescence, and when inventory carrying rates are low, large procurement buys with associated large lot size inventory levels may be well jus�fied . That inventory must be housed somewhere , and that somewhere is a warehouse, some�mes calleda raw materials warehouse.
RightChain™ Incorporated
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(Y0o0u:3w8a:1n5t )to: make sure as we try to put these good concepts inside the four walls that we're ns toatn dd obi na gc ks of rmo me t htihneg wt oa rheahromu st eh ea ns ud ptpr lyy tcoh faiignu, rseo of uo tr wj uhs at ta rfoelwe imt ' si nruetaelsl y, wp el a' ryei nggo ii nn gt ht oe supply chain as a whole. If you get a hold of this, it'll be worth your trip to Atlanta.
Wisdom for Warehousing | Copyright: RightChain™ Incorporated | All Rights Reserved
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