Wisdom for Warehousing Transcript


First Things First! King Solomon was the wisest man of all �me , the greatest of all the kings of the earth; and in real, �me - normalized dollars,he was the wealthiest man who ever lived . He was also a great builder, famous for the construc�on of Solomon ’s temple , one of the world’s iconic structures. In reading some of Solomon ’s books , I came acrossa key principlefor buildingthat is profound wisdom for warehousing. Applied to building warehouses, the principle is to first determine the business and supply chain requirements for the warehouse, then build it. Many enterprises have it backwards , so focused on the physicalstructure, their businesses wind up being constrained by their infrastructure instead of being bolstered by it. Our RightChain™ Methodology and op�miza�on systems are designed to help our client customers iden�fy the business and supplychain requirements their warehouses are meant to serve . “ Develop your business first before buildingyour house.” - Solomon

Coca- Cola Logistics Campus Raleigh, North Carolina


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RightChain™ Incorporated

(I0a0lw:3a8y:3s6s)t:art with the definition of logistics because, in logistics, the rate of success for ps ur oc cj eecstssf ui sl vi se?r yI t 'lso wa b. oAunty 3b 0o d%y, wb ua tn ti f t ot hgeupersos j we cht aitntvhoel vperso sboafbt iwl i at yr eo, f i ta gl oogeiss ttioc s1p5r%o j. eYc ot ub esianyg, "r We a hs oy ni ss ti hs ee dr autcea ot ifo snu. cWc ehsast spoelrocwe n? "t Ao fn tyhbeo dp ye owpal en twt ho og uweos rs ko inn t lhoagti sotni ces? dOon ey oouf tthhei nbki ghgaevset fkoi nr md . aTl ht ar at 'isn wi nhg yi ni n l 1o 9g i9s1t i cI ss?t aAr bt eodu tw 1h 0a %t w. aTshtaht ewn ot hu el dL ob ge i sat idc se gI rneset i tourt ea. Icte' sr tni foi cwa tteh eo Sf us po pml ye Chain and Logistics Institute. (T0h0e:3o9t:h3e4r):thing that I see is that there's very little definition around the project and, if tnhoet r tea' sl k ni nogt aa bn oy udt eSf icnoipt ieo nt h, ey omuoguet th wi n at os hw. Wh aht 'ast cyaol lue' dr e s dc oe ps cer icbr ee de pi s. Wv ehrayt 'gs osocdo. pYeo cur' er ee pd?o Ii 'nmg sbteu rf fe at hl layt hyaorud nt oe vme ra ki net epnr od ge rde tsos . dI of .yIof uy od uo nd' to nh 'at vheaav ed eaf idnei ft ii no int i toon f taol l gboa cbka cokn taon, di t 'tshgeor ei n' sg nt oo edde uf i cnai ttiioonn at on dl etahne no nt r, yi tt' so gbouiinl dg ftroo mb e t hhearred. Itno fma catk, ey opur ocgarne sasl. mWo set atlhwi naky so fs ttahrits wa si t ht h ae foundation for what's the Supply Chain and Logistics Institute. It's based on this definition.

Wisdom for Warehousing | Copyright: RightChain™ Incorporated | All Rights Reserved

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