Wisdom for Warehousing Transcript
(T0h0e:4re9a:4so0n):is, if you can't figure out a profitable way to serve the customers, the rest of this, ahsa vwee t shaey bhi eg r ke i, caki no 'ftf wmoeretthi nag h, ipl le oo pf bl ee ac no sm. We ihne nt hwe er odoomt haens ed stuhpe py l' ryec hs oa i nd i ps cr oo uj ercatgs eadn. dT yhoe uy jhuesatdass as un md er etdhuact i tnhgi sc oi ss tasl, l aanbdo ut ht actu' st tni nogt wh ehaadt st.hIi sh ai st ea bt ho autt . eFxipr rs et st shiionng. iItt''ss at be rorui tb li es . fCi guut rt ii nn gg oy ou ut ag optr toof i tpal ba nl e i tw, ay yo ut og os te rt vo ee xt he ec uctue sitto, ma nedr . mI no nt hi taotr ahcot iwv i twy eol lr yaonuy' r oe f dtohiensge afni vde raecptei va itt itehse, cycle. (W0h0e:5n0:y2o6u):plan customer response, there's a very important document that you should di t e' sv eclaol pl e, da nad ctuhsi st oims ae br ssoel ur vt ei cl ey cproi tl ii cc ya ,l iann wd ai tr ephloa uy ss i na g v. eArnyd i tmh ap to dr toacnut mr eonl et hi na ss au pnpalmy ec, haani dn mt haant aygoeum es ne rt .v eI t. iIsf lwi kee' rae cwo no trrkai cntg ,b el et wt ' se esna yy, owu ri t hl o gtihset i cDs i sonr ge ya nri zeas ttiaounr aanntds , t thhee c uf osot odmaenrds br eesvtearuargaen t sg rdoouwp .n Iat 'ts WbaelttwDeiesnn e yt h We oDril sdn. eI yf wLeo' gr ei s twi cosr kOi nr gg awn iizt ha t iHo on n da an,di t 'asl lb et thwo se ee n ntihc ee Hwoi tnhd at h Le oSgci shtwi casnO' sr gFaonoidz aCt ioomn paanndy , ail tl ' st hboestewdeeeanl etrhseh iSpcsh wt haant ' st hLeoy gsi setrivc es . OI fr gwaen'irzea twi oonr kainndg Wi t ' sa lamsaert t oaf ncdo nPsut br al iixn, t es t. Scoe,t leertam, eet acsekt eyroau. Iat ' sq uaesset itoonf. gWuhi daet liisnseuse, sa nd do yi no uo pntei emdi zt oa tai odnd rt eesr smisn, at hceu sc toonmt rearc ts ebrev?i c eO np eo l ii cs y ?r eIsf pt ohni ss ew et irme el i. t eHroawl l y lao nc go nitsr ai tc t g, owi hn ag t two otualkde t hy eo ub ut lol e tg epto itnot st hi ne cwuhsat ot 'ms et rh?e Tshhai pt ' ps i no gn ea. cTchuar ta'cs y h guog ien gi n t loo gbi es t?i cAs .nWd hwaht 'as t 'asn oa ct hc ee pr t oa bn lee? dDaeml i vaegrey oqru aplri toyd. uScot cpoanr tdoi tfi oqnu?a lWi t yh. aAt nedl s ree?t Fu irlnl sr .aCt ea.nTthhaety' sr ient vuer nn teovr eyrayvt ha ii lnagb?i l5i t0y%. W? h5 a%t ?e lAsne y? tIhnivnogi ceel s aecycouur awc ya ni st tqouaandtditieuspishoenree.? Let me add a couple. Value added services is one. Minimum order
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