Wisdom for Warehousing Transcript
tgol o br iuf yi l dt h tehmi ss et lovwe se,rt, hreeymceomu lbdenr' t tfhi ni si s tho iwt . eTr hiesy wg oh ta th at lhf ewya ywuepr ea nt rdy ti nh ge pt oe obpul ei l ds c at ot t ebraesdi c. a l l y (I0d0o:n4'6t:t5h1i)n:k it's an accident that, a lot of these logistics’ projects, they get started and then tj uh sety f ag lel ts taop at hr ta. t Wp iot ihnot uwt ht heirse unnodbeor ds tya nu dn idnegr, sitta' sn dg so i anng ytboo bdey vaenryymdoi frfei c, ua lnt dt ot hme awk eh oplreo gt hr iens gs wtimithe,tahnisd. iAtlgl ooef sthliakteisthaisle. ad into this definition of logistics. We've been doing this for a long (F0ir0s:t4o7f:1a8ll),:logistics is flow. What happens let's say to water when it stops flowing? Yeah, it sWt ahgant aht ae ps .pTe nh se nt owbhl oa ot dh awphpeenn si t? sItto spms ef llol swbi na gd? aPnedo pt hl ee nd i teh. eWbhuagt sh caopmp een. sI tt' so ni novt egnot oo dr y, rwi ghhetn? itth isnt og .pTs hf el or we ianr ge ?t hI tr egeo et hs i no ug st tohf adt anteee. dY ot ou mmoavye l, oms ea t ye or iuarl , jionbf o. rI mt ' sa tni oo tn ,gaonodd .mFol onwe y i sb eat wg oe oe nd consumers and suppliers. That gets to the forward and reverse logistics they solve. (..0. t0h:e48fo:0rw2)a:rd and reverse logistics thing solved. That's a foundation, that's a scope that you cl oagni s at il cws a, yi fs tghoe yb' raec kw troi t. i nOgn ea oc of nt threa ctth, i wn ghsa tI aarlew ay yosu arseka l loyu rt r yc li inegn ttso aarcocuonmdp ltihs ihr di -np at hr ti ys ct ho rnot ur agchto? uI tnteheedc toon st reaecitt. iI nr eomn ee ms ebnet re nwcee .dAi dn da tbhi ge nc ownht raat ec vt er er vt iheawt itsw, iot ny ee ae rdss at go obwe irtehf lae c3tPe dL st ei tauma t itohne , fai rnsdt tthi me ec oanntdr aacst kwi nags tah emme s, s" .J uI ts twoaus t ao mf ceus rsi. oIs ri teym, we mh abte rwsaist t iynogu rwmi t ho ttihv ea tpi orno j ef oc rt oY uo tus ogue rt ctihnagt tahwi skawc tairvdi t yt h? iIntg' s wa h$e3r0e mn oi l bl ioo dn ya' syseaayr i nd ge aal .n" yAt hn idn gi t, gaontdr et hael lny tqhuei ye t ailnl jtuhset rbouorms t. os auytsl,a"uBgehcianugs. eAwn de hI asvaei dn, o" Ti dhei sa dwoheys nw'tes' reeedmo ivnegr yt hfiusn."n y t o m e. W h y ar e y o u l au g h i n g ? " He (I0s0a:i4d9, :"0A7t)l:east you're honest." I said, "That we can do something with." They didn't have tj uhsatt ss caoy pi negwyroi tut ennede do wt on , haanvdeI 'omn en. oNt os awy,i nt hg eyroeu ahraevfei vt eo ha ac tviev itthi east dt he af itn ictoi omneowf liot gh i st thi ci ss. . WI ' me ah lewr ea yt os og. oTthher of iur sg th otnhee mi s ci nu st thoems ea rmsee rovr idc ee r. ,Tahnadt ' isf nyuo mu bg ee tr tohni es ,. Wi t ' lhl yb ei s wi t onrut hmyboeur ro tnrei p? d o w n
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