The Language of Logistics
196 | The Language of Logistics slot rate rsaintegluesceodnttaoincaelrcounlabteoathrde caovsetsosfelrenting a slot for transporting a slot utilization the portion of all slot positions that are occupied slotting sopp et icmi f ya il nagl l of ocra tei aocnhoift es pma ci tes wo pi tthi mt hael os tpot ri ma gael ms t oo rdaegaesms i og dn em, ea nn td, tt hh ee optimal location assignment within the optimal storage mode SLU storage location utilization slug a group or cluster of cartons that move as a set on a conveyor smart card aancdr/edoritmcaargdneotricostthreiprekind of card with an embedded microchip
smart label a bar code label equipped with an RFID tag
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