Wisdom for Warehousing Transcript
(T0h0e:n43th:5e5s):econd story I like to tell with this is much older, but it really gets to the point. Td oh ,i st hgeoye'sr ea llli kt he eMweat yh ubsaeclka ht o, bAudta ymo ua nkdn Eo vwe .wDhoo aIn' my otfa yl koiun gr eamb oe mu t b. eTrh Ae yd ahma da na nd Ea dv ev ?a nI ft aygoeu. Tc rheeayt i hn ag di ta, al ontd otfhaedi rv ac nh ti ladgree. nO snpeo, kt he etyh ac ot ul al dn gsupaegaek at nh de st ha me i re cl ahni lgduraegne' s bcehcial du rs ee nt, haenydwt ehraet went on for several generations. The LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.” – Genesis 11:6 (N0o0w:4,4w:2h6e):n people can speak the same language, what happens to the spread of ii nn ff oo rr mm aa tt ii oo nn ?? WI t hme no vpe es omp lue ccha nf a ss pt eera, kmt uh cehs ammoer el arnegl ui aabgl ey ,, wmhuacth hma popr ee ncs otnos itsht ee nstpl yr .e aTdh eoyf bwei cr ae ml e ses oi nn et e or nf et ht ea nmd oPsDt Aa sd vaanndc ceedl lspo hc ioent ieess awn de ' va el l . eTvhe er ykwn oewr end. oWi negt hp irnekt t ywgeo' roedf, atnocoy. Twhiet hy hc eatde ruar, beatnc pe tl ae nr an, i ns og , ot hn ee ydhaaydt hmeuy s di ceacl i di nesdt rtuomdeon tsso, mt heet yh ihnagdt oa rct es ,l et bh reayt eh aadl l aorfc ht hi ti es cst uu cr ce e, sest that they were having. (I0r0e:m45e:m17b)e:r reading this story one day, and you know how you're reading a story and si so wmaettchhi ni nggj ut hs itsj ut amk ep sp loaucte aatnydo Hu .eI sgaoyts tsoo tmh ae tt hpi anrgt tihnatthIe' l lsnt oervye ra nf odr gI erte. aHdet shai sy so, n" eI f ltihneey. Gc oa nd sa pperaekt ttyh re esl ai amb lee l sa on ug rucaeg. eI , mt hi eg rhet ' swna on tt at on yt rt hy i tnog rtehme ye mc abne' rt at hc ci so. mD pi dl i Is hr e. "a Id t iht orui gghhtt? t Ihf at th' se yf rcoamn speak the same language, there's not anything they can't accomplish. (T0h0a:t4s5t:a5t5e)m: ent motivated me to write the most boring book ever written. Okay, it's now a wl a ne bg suiat ge .e I ta'bs ocuatl l leodg iTs thi ec s Ltaon guunadgeer sot fa nLdo gwi sht iacts .wI te''sr et rryei anlgl yt ot a hl keilnpg paeboopul et hs pe reea.k Ot nh ee ms aomr ee tghr ienagt ttoh idnrgi sv,estoh et op soei nntdhtohme me , tah me pe es soapgl ee , f owrhgaott dwi hd oGgoadv ed ot h? eDmo et hs eaanbyibl iot yd yt or edmo ea ml l ob fe rt h? eHs ee ct ho en fdursi el ld, ctohuel dl ann' tg ut aalgket. oR ti hg he tp. eTrhseo np ewr si tohnt hwei tshc rt he we hd ar imv emr ,eer t ccoeut ledrna ', tatnadl katso t thheey pweer rs eo nt rwy iint hg
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